Na die opening van die bekroonde lughawe in 2017 was besoek aan St Helena nog nooit so maklik nie. Slegs 'n kort vlug van ses uur vanaf Johannesburg kan u vervoer van die gewoel van die stadslewe na die idilliese, skilderagtige eiland St. Helena.
The best kept secret of the South Atlantic now can be explored by nature, marine and history lovers from all over the world.
![Airlink Logo](
Oor die lughawe St Helena
In September 2008 het die goewerneur in die Raad op St. Helena toestemming verleen vir die bou van die lughawe en verwante infrastruktuur. Die kontrak om die lughawe St Helena te ontwerp, te bou en te bedryf, is in 2011 aan Basil Read ('n Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiemaatskappy) toegeken en op 3 November 2011 onderteken.
Following significant earthworks on island, overcoming the logistical challenge of importing and transporting essential materials to site involved constructing a 14km road, and constructing a new airport and associated facilities at a ‘greenfield’ site. St Helena Airport was certified for operations by Air Safety Support International (ASSI) on 10th May 2016. This achievement was made all the more remarkable by the issuance of an aerodrome certificate at the first attempt.
Following its construction, the Airport has opened-up rapid access to the rest of the world and has already proven itself following the successful completion of a number of medevac flights to the African mainland, where patients receive life-saving treatment.
Commercial air services commenced on 14th October 2017 with a weekly flight connecting St Helena to South Africa, and a monthly flight connecting St Helena with Ascension Island. The Airport also accommodates frequent private and charter flights, as well as technical stops by aircraft using St Helena as a hop between South America and Southern/Western Africa.
![St Helena Airport Before](
![St Helena Airport](
![Fly to St Helena Airport](
Airlink have recommenced operations and fly to St Helena fortnightly between Johannesburg and St Helena and operate the monthly inter-Island service with Ascension Island. Additional inter-Island flights have been included during periods of peak demand.
The re-introduction of Cape Town flights will begin in December 2024 and run until March 2025. These will take place alongside the weekly Johannesburg flights. The weekly Saturday flight will operate from Cape Town and the weekly Tuesday flight will operate from Johannesburg.
Airlink-kaartjies vir die diens tussen Johannesburg en St Helena is nou te koop en is aanlyn beskikbaar via die Airlink-webwerf by: en deur alle IATA-reisagente.
Immigrasievereistes op St Helena sluit in:
Mediese versekering wat ten minste GBP 175,000 se mediese uitgawes dek, insluitend mediese ontruiming (dit word voorgestel dat passasiers sowel papier as elektroniese bewys van versekering dra).
'N Kaartjie vir aankoms en vertrek, of slegs 'n kaartjie vir aankoms as u 'n St Helenian of inwoner is.
'N E-visum van St Helena as u onderdaan is wat van enige van die genoemde lande reis hier.
If you are a St Helenian leaving the Island for a short holiday, you should ensure that your British or British Overseas Territories Citizen passport is valid for a minimum of six months beyond the period of intended stay. You should also have valid travel insurance, a return ticket and you may be asked to show evidence that you have St Helenian status on your return journey to the island.
If you are a St Helenian returning to the island for a holiday or relocating from abroad, you will be asked to show evidence that you have St Helenian status.
St Helenian status kan getoon word deur 'n brief, 'n verklaring van St Helenian Status Certificate of 'n Certificate of St Helenian status uitgereik van die St Helena Immigration Office. Vennote en kinders van St. Helenians kan aansoek doen vir 'n vrystellingsertifikaat van die lewensmaat of 'n afhanklike vrystellingsertifikaat.
Vir meer inligting oor die verkryging van hierdie dokumente, kontak die Immigrasie-kantoor per e-pos: of telefoon: 00290 22626.
Inligting rakende doeane- en aksynsbelasting, insluitend belastingvrye toelaes beskikbaar vir besoekers wat in St. Helena aankom, kan op die volgende skakel gevind word (here) .
As u twyfel, kontak die HM Doeane- en Aksynspan wie se besonderhede onderaan die volgende skakel gevind kan word. (here).
'N Lys van verbode items kan gevind word (here).
Die veiligheidsondersoekbeampte van die lughawe, tesame met die veiligheidsopsigter, kan voorkom dat items buite hierdie lys vervoer word indien daar bepaal word dat die veiligheid van die vliegtuig, passasiers of bemanning in gevaar kan wees.
Soos met enige internasionale lughawe, sal grappies en verklarings rakende ploftoestelle of vuurwapens en ander verbode items nie geduld word nie, en sodanige kommentaar sal daartoe lei dat die passasier deurgegee word. Verder sal die passasier 'n oortreding begaan het ingevolge die bepalings van die Aerodrome Regulations, wat 'n boete van 'n maksimum boete tot GBP 2.000 en / of ses maande gevangenisstraf opgelê het.
Airlink-kaartjies vir die diens tussen Johannesburg en St Helena is nou te koop en is aanlyn beskikbaar via die Airlink-webwerf by: en deur alle IATA-reisagente.
Vir diegene wat op St Helena woon, kan kaartjiebesprekings gemaak word via Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc se verskepings- en reisagentskap by die Malabar in Jamestown. Passasiers kan die Verskepings- en Reisagentskap persoonlik besoek of hulle per e-pos kontak: of per tel: 22523.
Kaartjiebesprekings vir die inter-eilanddiens tussen St Helena en Ascension kan gemaak word via die Ascension Island-regeringsfinansiële kantoor in Georgetown. Passasiers kan die Finansiële Kantoor persoonlik besoek of hulle kontak via: of telefonies by 67000 uitbreiding 115.
Further travel information and flight schedule click hier
You can download a flight schedule here