Where to eat

The island boasts a variety of restaurants, mobile food takeaways, and bars, with most located in Jamestown and Half Tree Hollow. Groceries and produce are available from local shops, though supplies may sometimes be limited. While traditional Saint Helenian dishes can be found on local menus,  another great way to truly experience authentic Saint food is by booking a home-hosted cooking night

Andrew's Takeaways
Andrews para llevar
A range of well-known favourites
Annes Place St Helena Island
El lugar de Ana
Veinte años de experiencia familiar
Blue Lantern Restaurant
La linterna azul
Excelentes filetes, excelentes porciones
Farm Lodge Dinning Room
Granja Lodge
Un hogar lejos del hogar en el campo
Get Carters St Helena Island
Consigue Carters
Trayéndole buena comida
Joshie's Exterior
Joshies, Roadside Drop-In
Una opción conveniente, Joshie's Cafe
Mantis St Helena
Mantis Santa Elena
Tienta a tus papilas gustativas
Mylyn's Cuisine
Cocina de Mylyn
Una pizca de influencias asiáticas
Orange Tree St Helena Island
Orange Tree Oriental
Presentando favoritos de Oriente
Richard's Travel Lodge St Helena Island
Richards Travel Lodge
Alojamiento en el hogar con un toque moderno
St Helena Coffee Shop
Cafetería St Helena
No es solo café, es café de Santa Helena
Sandwich Bar St Helena Island
El Sandwich Bar
"Cocinamos alimentos frescos lo más rápido que podamos"
Wellington House St Helena Island
Casa de Wellington
Comida inglesa con un toque stheleniano
Wranghams St Helena Island
For elegance, Look to Wranghams