Die St Helena Wolkbosprojek

Bewaring van 'n wêreldwye belangrike ekosisteem
Projek Oorsig

The total area of the national park is 81 ha.

St Helena se wolkwoud het afgeneem van 'n geskatte 600 hektaar voor mense se aankoms tot net 16 hektaar vandag.


Tropiese wolkwoud

Huidige grootte

16 hektaar

Project commenced


Unieke Spesie

Ongeveer 250

Die projek

Die St Helena Wolkwoud-projek is 'n hoogs samewerkende, meerjarige projek wat werk om die Pieke-bestuursplan vir St Helena's Peaks Nasionale Park te implementeer.

Die Peaks Nasionale Park, St Helena-eiland is die tuiste van die oorblyfsels van 'n antieke wolkwoud. Dit is 'n wêreldwye belangrike gebied:

  • Dit bevat ongeveer 250 spesies wat nêrens anders op aarde gevind word nie – gelykstaande aan meer as een sesde van die VK se totale endemiese biodiversiteit.
  • Dit verskaf die meerderheid van die eiland se jaarlikse waterhulpbron (deur sy 'wolkwoud'-rol van misopvang en grondwateraanvulling).
  • Dit bied 'n unieke wilderniservaring in 'n gebied wat as een van St Helena se 'Sewe Wonders' aangewys is.

Project works are taking place within the National Park under three main pillars: Biodiversity; Water Security & Climate Change; and Socio-economic.


 Die pilare

  • Biodiversiteit: Gemik op die verbetering, herstel en skep van wolkwoudhabitat en die bewaring van geassosieerde spesies, met die doel om 'n internasionaal belangrike wildbrandpunt teen verdere uitwissing te beskerm.
  •  Watersekerheid en klimaatsverandering: Gemik daarop om te herplant rondom inheemse habitatfragmente in sleutelareas van misopvang, en om monitering en navorsing uit te voer om die eiland se watersekuriteit en aanpassingspogings vir klimaatsverandering in te lig en te beveilig.  
  • Sosio-ekonomies: Gemik daarop om die volhoubare ontwikkeling van St Helena te ondersteun deur geleenthede te ontwikkel deur ekotoerisme, onderwys, volhoubare grondgebruik en bewaringsopleiding.

Befondsing en vennote

The UK Government, through the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), has committed to funding for the project over 4 years until 2025, with matched funding through project partners and various Darwin Plus projects. Over the first two years of the project (2021 – 2023) the total value of funding was over two million pounds.

UK Government logo
St Helena Tourism logo

Vordering tot op datum

Vir Jaar 1 van die projek (2021/2022) was die fokus op die opskaling van St Helena se kapasiteit om sy wolkwoud te herstel deur personeel, internasionale kundigheid, toerusting en infrastruktuur.

This involved local recruitment to seven full-time roles; procurement of equipment and assets; upgrading of buildings to support a new lab which will aid in the propagation of rare, endemic fern species; and research and intensive training on water and climate monitoring, soil sample analysis, plant and invertebrate surveys, seed-banking and sampling for genetic research.

Year 2 (2022/2023) intended to begin on scaling up restoration of the cloud forest. However, this year saw significant challenges following confirmation of plant pathogens causing diseases and death of endemic tree species within the Peaks National Park. Partners continued to work together to understand, and begin preparing for, long-term actions necessary to support large-scale conservation of the cloud forest.

In-depth updates of work achieved over Years 1 & 2, and quarterly progress updates for Year 3 can be viewed in the Key documents section.

Starting in December 2024 and continuing through February 2025, travellers can enjoy flights with Airlink from Cape Town in addition to Johannesburg.

This exciting development offers greater flexible stays and even a dual-centre holiday combining the adventure of St Helena with the vibrant energy of Cape Town.

Whether you’re seeking a peaceful retreat, a nature lover’s paradise, or a historical adventure, St Helena has something to offer everyone. With this expanded flight schedule, it’s easier than ever to explore this unique island destination.

Start planning your dream St Helena getaway today!


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iRecord St Helena is an on-line Biological Recording Database launched in February 2023 by the St Helena Research Institute (SHRI) hosting records of wildlife sightings collected on the island by both professionals and amateur naturalists. Explore further and contribute your sightings via the web portal or app.
